Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's been too long...

Wow. Life with a baby and a six year old is a lot more busy than I had expected! A typical day goes about like this:

5:30 a.m. - alarm goes off
6:20 a.m. - take Sam to the baby-sitter's house to get to work by 7
4:30 p.m. - get off work and pick-up Sam from the sitter's
6:30 p.m. - go to the gym and bust it!
7:45 p.m. - help B with Sam, get Caden in bed
8:45 p.m. - dinner
9:30 p.m. - feed Sam one more time so he'll sleep all night
10:30 p.m. - bed if I'm lucky...most nights I end out closing my eyes around 11

As you can see, there isn't much time for blogging. I just so happen to have the time to update this today because Brandon had to work and I am stuck at home doing laundry and other chores that are long overdue anyhow. So, while Sam is asleep in his swing and Caden is watching Sponge Bob Square Pants in the living room, I've finally posted pictures on my FaceBook and that's when I realized that I have neglected this blog! So lets get to the good stuff, pictures!

Sam in his swing

Nappin' on grandma Linda

Isn't he handsome!?

We took Caden to the Houston Space Center yesterday. We all had a good time.

Caden playing a Star-Wars game. 

(It was nice to get to spend some time with him without having to stop and take care of Sam. I think it must be pretty frustrating for Caden to have to wait until we are done changing a diaper, feeding, entertaining, or bathing Sam before we can get to his needs.) 

Soooo what else is new that I can tell y'all about... Oh! I've been going to the gym religiously. I am seriously hooked. Ask Brandon. If he gets home late from work, I will get upset that I missed my cycling or Zumba group exercise class! 

I got eight sessions with a personal trainer when I signed up for a membership and this past Friday was my first session. I am still feeling the effects of that workout! I could barely walk yesterday (and there was a lot of walking at the Space Center)! Hopefully my body will heal quickly because I'm meeting with my trainer again Monday! Yikes... I only have about 20 more pounds to lose. Actually, I could care less about the weight b/c I understand that since I am weight training I will gain more muscle, meaning I will weigh more. My goal is to get back into my favorite pair of jeans!!! I am still wearing my dreaded maternity pants to work b/c nothing else fits me and you know how I feel about maternity pants...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Time's Running Out

Next week will be my last full week at home with mister Sam. Although I am ready to join reality again and go back to work, I am going to miss him immensely. I am glad that I took plenty of time to stay at home with him because it's given me extra time to fall madly in love with the little guy. There are so many things about him that I am enjoying as much as I can, while I still can. Like... I love it when he falls asleep on my chest. There, I can listen to his little breaths while I periodically breathe in deeply his perfect baby smell. He will lay on me for hours and be perfectly content...and the feeling is mutual. I love watching his face as he falls asleep. If I watch carefully, I will catch a few giant, gummy smiles. Ahhhh, he melts my heart. I also love his little baby grunts. He does it all of the time, whether he's eating his bottle, passing gas, or simply waking up from a nap...and Brandon and I do it right back at him! Haha.
I am going to be so jealous of his babysitter, Marty, since she will be the one getting to watch him grow from day to day. I remember how sad I was the day that I showed up at her house one day after work to find Caden walking across her living room. I missed his first steps. I don't look forward to possibly missing Sam's. Maybe I won't have to, but the thought still crosses my mind. It's tough being a working mama. On a happier note, just yesterday I was able to witness one of his first milestones. During "tummy time" he turned his little punkin' head from left to right several times all by himself! And here he is!

I was so proud of him! What a big boy. I can't believe how fast he's growing. I got a great picture of his cute little face the other day that I have to share...
Isn't he just the cutest little guy you've ever laid your eyes on? Goodness! I can hardly contain myself from squeezing him as hard as I'd like to. One day he'll be able to handle mama's bear hugs and he won't be able to get away from them! 

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I would have posted the maternity pictures that we had taken a long time ago, but we just received them in the mail from our photographer last week. It seems pretty anti-climatic to even post these pictures, seeing as how Samuel is over a month old now, but they are pretty cute, so here they are!

I also have the pictures from Samuel's newborn photo shoot! They were taken when he was the ripe age of five days old. We hired a professional photographer to take these for us.  They ended out costing us an arm and a leg, but I think they were worth every penny! And not to mention the fact that they were delivered to us within days after we ordered our prints. Lesson learned: You get what you pay for.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Life with a Newborn

What can I say? Samuel is...perfect. I can't even find adequate words to express how much we love him and how far that love reaches deep down inside of us. Being home with Brandon and baby Samuel these past couple of weeks has made me see life in a completely different light. I am constantly in prayer thanking God for the little family He has given me. I have fallen more deeply in love with my husband, I love Caden more, and well, Samuel just plain stole my heart the moment I first heard him cry. I think back to when Brandon and I were praying every night for a girl and I am so thankful that God said "no" and gave us Samuel instead. I couldn't imagine life without our precious little boy.

I must brag on my husband now. Brandon has been absolutely amazing. I knew that he would be, but he has far exceeded the unspoken expectations of what I thought he would be like as a new daddy. I was so relieved that he didn't pass out in the operating room (which was a huge feat in itself) and I will never forget the moment we shared when we heard Samuel's first cry. It was a beautiful moment and I praise God for it. Brandon was at the top of his game during the hospital stay and helped me with anything and everything that I needed, and with so much patience. He is also a very committed,  hands-on daddy. Since we have been home, he has been the one waking up every two hours to change Samuel's diapers, feed him, and rock him to sleep again.  (I bet he is relieved that I am finally feeling able enough to start working shifts with him during the nights now!) Samuel is barely ever left alone in his crib or pack n' play while he is awake or sleeping because his daddy would rather hold him and read/sing/talk to him. What a lucky kid to have a daddy like that...and how lucky I am to have him as my husband. He had alarms set on his phone to remind me to take my pain medication, and not only that, but he brought it to me along with a bottle of water so I didn't have to get up. Not to mention, he's been pulling all of the weight around the house as far as chores go while also dealing with our (God love him) defiant six year old and he does all of this without even one complaint. Lord, what did I do to deserve such a man?

Back to Samuel... I love the little grunts and cute noises he makes, the way that he breathes, the faces he makes when he starts to fall asleep, especially when he smiles. I love the way he smells and how quickly he calms down to the sound of our voices and embraces when we come to the rescue when he cries. I love to nibble his little toes and the feel of his little fingers when they grip ahold of one of mine. I love him, oh Lord, how I love him.

Here are some shots we've taken around the house these past couple of weeks.

Here is Bella checking out what's moving around in the bassinet.

 (This one is for you, mom!) Sam w/ his eyes open.

Hanging out with daddy while he works on computers.

lol @ Samuel's pirate face. Arrr!

Sleeping baby...

Sleepy parents...

Even Bella is sleepy...

And I saved the best for last. I got lucky and happened to catch one of those precious smiles that he makes while he falls asleep. I wonder what he was thinking had to be mommy and daddy. :)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

Samuel Allen Wilkerson was finally born May 26, 2010 at 8:01 a.m. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 11.5 oz, and was 22 inches long. He had a full head of dark brown hair, and his feet were just as gigantic as I predicted they would be! Here are some pictures that were taken at the hospital.

This was taken by my anesthesiologist right after I was sewn up.

Here is Caden admiring his baby brother. He was so gentle with him!

Here's my mom and mother-in-law embracing after catching a glimpse of Samuel for the first time. They are some pretty proud grandmas!

Mmm, beef flavored water for lunch! I wasn't allowed to eat solid foods until breakfast the next day.

And here he is, finally in mommy's arms!!!

We had some professional pictures taken of him when he was five days old. I will post them as soon as I get the disk! I've already seen the proofs and they are AMAZING!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Countdown. . .

Only three more days!

The pantry and refrigerator are full, the house is (mostly) clean, and the laundry is almost finished. The only thing we really have left to do is pack for the hospital! We couldn't be more ready for this baby. If Samuel only knew how much his birth has been anticipated...if he only knew how much he is already loved and by so many people...maybe he'd surprise us with an early arrival. A girl can dream, can't she?

There are so many things that I am looking forward to besides finally holding our precious baby in my arms. For one, I am SO over these maternity jeans...and this gigantic belly I have been toting around for several months now. Yes, I am afraid that the novelty of the big, 'cute' pregnant belly has worn out its welcome. Even though I am the laziest person when it comes to working out, I am eager to get into shape. My goal is to be in better shape than I was before I was pregnant. (And for those of you rolling your eyes right now, let me say this: Yeah, I might have been thin, but I couldn't've run even a half of a mile if my life had depended on it. And quite frankly, for my age, that's just pathetic and not to mention-unhealthy.) The other thing that I've been looking forward to is enjoying a glass of Pinot Grigio. Mmm... Although that will have to wait awhile because I am going to try with all of my might to breastfeed this time around.

At the beginning of this month, we hired Sarah at Fish Lips Photography to take some maternity pictures for us. I don't have all of them yet, but these are the ones that she posted on her blog as a "sneak-peek" for what's coming! I can't wait to see the rest. (Thank you SO much Janet, for doing such an amazing job on my makeup. You always do! The photographer even complimented me on it!)

Here's my belly at 39 weeks. (Picture taken just a few minutes ago!)
And that my friends, will without a doubt be the last picture that I publish of my belly for a very VERY long time! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Samuel's Nursery

I am finally done decorating the nursery! Now all we need is Sam...

I finally got confirmation for the official date of Sam's arrival (unless of course he comes earlier)! It's going to be May 26 - which is also the day before Caden's sixth birthday. Yep. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 a.m. but I am pretty sure we won't have any trouble getting up and at em on this particular day. It feels like we've been waiting years to meet him... Sometimes I'll pass the time by sitting in the glider in his nursery and day-dreaming of finally getting to hold him in my arms.

Brandon made a funny comment to me the other day. He thinks that I might to have to fight him for time with Samuel. I assured him that I don't think that's going to be a problem. I'd bet that before the first full week of being home all day with a newborn, Brandon will approach me with bags under his eyes, holding Samuel out to me pleading, "Take him!" LOL Ohhh he just has no idea! All joking aside, I know Brandon is going to be an exceptional daddy. He will more than likely surpass all of the expectations I have of him dealing with all things newborn.

One more thing before I go, check out what I came across while walking around Hobby Lobby last week.

Did you notice where that verse is found? I think it is so cool that even though we decided to name our baby boy after Brandon's grandfather, Sam, this particular verse found in the book of 1 Samuel was an amazing reminder of the Lord's goodness and faithfulness. How so? I cannot even begin to guess the number of countless nights I prayed asking God to bless Brandon and I with a child of our own. What a wonderful way to be reminded that God heard my prayers! The more I sit and think about it, all I can say is WOW, because Samuel will be living proof that God answers prayers.

I praise you Lord, because I know that this child you have blessed us with was fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14) 

P.S. In case you were wondering why I was at Hobby Lobby since I was put on "house arrest" and all, my doc told me last week that I'm allowed to do some light shopping now...still no heavy lifting or going back to work though.